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Busting myths...

Busting myths...

We copped some flack this week for standing up for policyholders whose premiums are about to be increased by some life insurance companies. The flack from some professionals in the industry was a little unfair, we thought, with some comments bordering on what we would regard as ‘myths’. I’d like to bust a few of them…

Myth 1

Pinnacle Life sources it’s new business by somehow ‘piggy-backing’ off the hard work of other insurers…

Busted! Pinnacle Life spends significantly on radio/TV advertising and employs its own underwriters and administration staff… fair to say that Pinnacle Life pays its own way for its new business.

Myth 2

Consumers that buy insurance from Pinnacle Life don’t understand what they’re buying…

Busted! It’s patronising to suggest consumers are illiterate and can’t understand a straightforward policy document, particularly when Pinnacle Life won the NZ WriteMark plain English Award in 2009 for its clear and understandable policy wording. We think consumers are smarter than that.

Myth 3

An adviser that switches a policy to Pinnacle Life to achieve a 20% saving for a client, while earning a 75% commission is “shameless”…

Busted! If that adviser is shameless, what do you call an adviser that switches a policy to achieve a 5% saving for a client and then pockets a 220% commission?

Myth 4

Pinnacle Life’s only point of difference is price…

Busted! Besides offering the most competitive prices in NZ, life insurance policies from Pinnacle Life are jargon-free, straightforward and relevant... and can be purchased online in less than 10 minutes...

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