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Operation London Bridge - A Plan Fit for a Queen

Operation London Bridge - A Plan Fit for a Queen

Operation London Bridge – A Plan Fit for a Queen

With the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II, “Operation London Bridge” came into effect. The death of a British monarch is not an everyday occurrence, so when it does happen there has to be a plan. Operation London Bridge is that plan. When we hear “London Bridge” it is impossible not to think of the popular nursery school rhyme “London Bridge is falling down” which is exactly why this operation was named as such.

Operation London Bridge was the code name given to a sequence of formally constructed events that would follow the death of the Queen which was designed to break the news of her passing in a respectable manner with her memory honoured. This would also confirm the continuation of the royal throne as Britain’s head of state. It is believed that the news of the Queen’s passing was to be privately announced by her private secretary using the code term: “London Bridge is down” with her replacement Prince Charles taking over immediately.

The question is, will you have a plan? In the words of Allen Saunders “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans”. But we need to protect that life, andLife Insurance is exactly how.

Life insurance protects the ones you love allowing you to leave them a non-taxable amount at the time of death. Having life insurance is a good idea if you have financial obligations that mean your loved ones would suffer if you weren’t around to pay for things like the rent or mortgage, the groceries, or your kids’ education. Having life cover means paying for something that may never happen. In fact, it means paying for something that you REALLY hope won’t happen. But it does mean you have a plan if your London Bridge does come falling down.

At Pinnacle Life we offer good value. We regularly compare our prices and benefits to other providers, so we know that we offer some of the best value life insurance in NZ. Our research shows us that our premiums are generally cheaper than car insurance which most people don’t even think twice about getting. You can also easily access your very own quote in 30 seconds using our quick quote online tool.

If this is your first time buying insurance, buying online can seem that bit too daunting, which is why we explain exactly what you need to consider and what cover you need on our website, offering tailored advice using our very own Digital Advice tool to help you understand the ABCs of life insurance. You can also always phone us if something needs more explanation.

We want every family in Aotearoa to have the choice of getting the protection of life insurance and we want it to be easy, so you can have your very own plan that is fit for the king/queen you are!

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